Round Up Ready – Tomato Edition

With the summer officially winding down this post is probably coming a bit too late, but I wanted to do a Foodie Friday post about tomatoes. This summer has been particularly bountiful in terms of the tomato harvest in our garden and having so many ripe tomatoes we were always looking for new ways to eat them while they were fresh. So here are nine ways that we made use of the tomatoes this summer.

1. Salsa: This is a recipe from my mum and uses 8 cups roma tomatoes, 3 cups yellow peppers, 2 cups onions, 1 cup hot peppers, garlic, and other seasonings. After 6.5 hours we had canned 21.5 L of salsa and tomatoes, hopefully it will last us through the winter.

2. Bread Salad: Another one from my mum, the secret here is to give the bread a quick fry in bacon grease, and then toss in whatever vegetables are fresh at the time.

3. Zucchini Bread: While not strictly a tomato dish, this bread is a great way to use the harvest from your garden before they start to go bad.

4. Tomato-Peach Chutney: For that brief overlap between fresh tomato and peach season, this chutney (on the bottom half of the following picture) was a delicious dish on its own, and as a topping for the zucchini bread.

5. Pickle Trays: Straight up fresh tomatoes with crackers, cheese, and our pickled beans, asparagus, and cucumbers from earlier in the season, made for a great snack/light dinner.

6. BLT’s: The heirloom tomatoes are really sturdy and meaty, making them delicious on sandwiches.


7. Bacon and Eggs: Sometimes the simplest way is the best way.

8. Bacon and Eggs, Take 2: That is not to say that modifications can’t be made.

9. Tart: This was a modified recipe for an asparagus tart from the Meat Free Monday cookbook. The spread is peppered goat cheese, mixed with dijon mustard, and an egg, then topped with the tomatoes and basil from our garden, before being baked to a nice golden brown.

Feel free to share any other ways you like to enjoy tomatoes in the comments.

3 thoughts on “Round Up Ready – Tomato Edition

  1. Pingback: Harvest….Is There A Better Word? « Putney Farm

  2. Pingback: Round-Up Ready: A Year in Blogging Edition | On a Quasi-Related Note

  3. Pingback: Round Up Ready: Asparagus Edition | On a Quasi-Related Note

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