Round-Up Ready: A Year in Blogging Edition

Looking on tree rings to find where I started this blog, just one ring in.

Looking on tree rings to find when I started this blog, just one ring in.

I started this blog one year ago, and have been posting on and off throughout that time, so to mark the occasion, I wanted to pull back the curtain and breakdown the traffic to On a Quasi-Related Note this past year.




Where do visitors to this blog mainly come from:

  1. USA (41%)
  2. Canada (27%)
  3. United Kingdom (8%)
  4. India (3%)
  5. Australia (2%)

How are visitors finding the blog:

  1. Google Images (37%)
  2. Google (13%)
  3. Not Exactly Rocket Science (7%)
  4. Facebook (3%)
  5. Twitter (3%)

Why are they landing on this blog, from searching these terms:

  1. Phases of the Moon
  2. Types of Mustaches
  3. Naked Animals
  4. Uncanny Valley
  5. Fab 5 vs. Magnificent 7

What posts are getting the most traffic:

  1. Principal Component Analysis (Almost) Explained on Twitter
  2. Shady Geoengineering Executive Dupes First Nation into Shady Geoengineering Scheme
  3. Fab 5 vs. Magnificent 7
  4. Round-Up Ready – Uncanny Valley Edition
  5. Retarding Flame Retardants

Who are the main readers of this blog:

  • Gender: Female (51%), Male (49%)
  • Age: <18 (5%), 18-24 (18%), 25-34 (27%), 35-44 (22%), 45-54 (16%), 55-64 (16%), 65+ (4%)
  • Kids: No (57%), Yes (43%)
  • Education: No College (34%), College (43%), Grad School (23%)

My 10 personal favorite posts have been (in reverse chronological order)

  1. The Up Goer Five Challenge – Thesis Edition
  2. Round-Up Ready – Best of 2012 Edition
  3. On Superman, Body Image, and Underwear
  4. Science is no laughing matter…except when it is
  5. Frankenfoodie Friday
  6. Animal ABC’s in ET&C
  7. 9.63 Seconds vs. 7 Minutes of Terror
  8. Robot Scientists
  9. The Transit of Venus
  10. Birds on Film

When I started this blog I was in the process of writing up my PhD thesis, since then I have successfully defended, and been through convocation (jump to 41:46 to see me get hooded!). During this time I got a chance to write about subjects that interest me (e.g., Olympics, space, robots, birds, food, science, and toxicology), and as I am looking forward to getting on with the post-PhD life, I hope to keep blogging about interesting stories whenever I can. Cheers.

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